Up Your Reading Game in 2020

I consider myself a pretty avid reader, but I've got nothing on the peeps who participate in multiple reading challenges every year. I've always made a commitment on my Goodreads account to try to read a certain number of books each year. But when I decided to see if there were other challenges out there, I was blown away by the variety.


Reader Spotlight – December

It's time for another romance reader spotlight! This month I interviewed Wyann "Cricket" McDonnell. I'm having so much fun getting to know y'all. I hope you're loving these romance reader spotlights as much as I am!

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Being G-R-A-T-E-F-U-L

So last year I did a post on the Romance Chicks website about being THANKFUL where I used each letter to talk about something I was thankful for over the past year. I could have recycled that post but instead I decided to challenge myself and come up with some new words for a new word.


What to Wear… (extroverted writer’s edition)

In the past I’ve gotten all gussied up in my polka dot dresses but this time I’m going for comfort which means my cowgirl boots and a series of snarky T-shirts I made special for the event. I figured I’d picture them all here and have you vote on your favorite. And I have one more blank T-shirt left to decorate. What sassy saying should I put on there?


Ever had one of THOSE Mom moments?

What do you get when you cross one overtired busy mama with a holiday that arrives way too fast? You get me last week, trying to do too many things at once and forgetting to buy pumpkins for my kids to carve on Halloween.

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Reader Spotlight – October

I thought it would be fun to start a new thing on the blog... a reader spotlight! It gives us a chance to get to know each other better and bond over our shared love of all things reading and romance books. I'm super excited to introduce you to my first guest reader...Amanda Hash!

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Favorite Things – Fall Edition

Just like the seasons change throughout the year, so do my interests. I thought it might be fun to chat about the things I'm into right now in hopes you'll let me know what you've been enjoying too. Maybe we can both find some new faves.

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