Romance Books I Can’t Wait to Read

Last month on the blog I talked about the 2020 Read Wide Challenge I'm participating in. If you'd like more info, check out my post here or meander over to fellow romance author Roni Loren's site where she explains in detail how she came up with the Read Wide Challenge and what it means to her.

I finally got my categories named, boxes filled, and I'm ready to jump in! Now for the fun part...getting to nail down which books I'm going to read. Here are a few that I want to add to my list.


Up Your Reading Game in 2020

I consider myself a pretty avid reader, but I've got nothing on the peeps who participate in multiple reading challenges every year. I've always made a commitment on my Goodreads account to try to read a certain number of books each year. But when I decided to see if there were other challenges out there, I was blown away by the variety.