So last year I did a post on the Romance Chicks website about being THANKFUL where I used each letter to talk about something I was thankful for over the past year. I could have recycled that post but instead I decided to challenge myself and come up with some new words for a new word.
As we close out 2019, here are the top things I’m GRATEFUL for…

“G” is for Gal Pals. I’ve made some lifelong friends on this writing journey and I wouldn’t be where I am (wherever that is) without my writing pals and what I consider my real life pals (the ones who have known me and supported me before I even started this crazy journey.)

“R” is for Readers. I’m grateful for every single person who’s read my books (especially those of you who’ve left a review! LOL) I wouldn’t be able to spend my time making up stories if there weren’t people who wanted to read them, so thank you from the bottom, top and sides of my heart for making this possible.

“A” is for Amazon. As much as authors love/hate the internet giant, Amazon has given me a way to share my books with the world and I’ll always be thankful for that.

“T” is for Teamwork. Writing a book may be a solitary journey but it takes a whole team of people to make me look like I know what I’m doing: editors, beta readers, critique partners, publicists, proofreaders, cover designers, and more.

“E” is for Escapes. For me that means the cabin. It’s so helpful to have a place where I can escape to and focus on just writing words. Or to leave the day to day behind and get some much needed family time.

“F” is for Family. For my hubby and my kiddos who have encouraged and supported me this year while I’ve reached for my goals.

“U” is for Unicorns. I mean unicorn authors who seem to be in a whole league of their own, showing me anything is possible in this career. But I also mean unicorns as in those special people in my life who have taught me so many life lessons over the course of the past year.

“L” is for Laughter. So many things go wrong in my life… so many times I get caught by surprise by something that didn’t go my way. I’ve found that if I can laugh about those speed bumps (some of them are more like craters in my path) then I can pick myself up and keep going. Whether it’s a book that flopped or a mom project that didn’t go as planned, if I can laugh about it, I can get past it.
So tell me, do any of my G-R-A-T-E-F-U-L items ring true to you? What are you grateful for this year?