I traveled to Florida last week for a big writing conference. On the plane, I got to relax with a movie and see one I’ve been wanting to watch for a while. If you’ve seen the first Enola Holmes, you’ll probably enjoy the second. Millie Bobby Brown does a fabulous job depicting the young, female sleuth, and I’m always up for watching anything with Henry Cavill. It kept me entertained up to the end and made my flight go by so much faster!
No trip to the beach is complete without enjoying some fruity cocktails. I took it upon myself to try to find the absolute best recommendation and ordered a wide variety to make sure I was choosing the absolute best. And the winner for the week is… the Rum Runner.
It’s probably easy enough to recplicate at home as long as you’ve got all of the ingredients on hand. I’ll make it a point to whip one up for an upcoming episode of Romance Happy Hour so you can get the recipe. Until then, we’ve got a ton of cocktail recipes on our Facebook page at Romance Happy Hour!

Since we’ve made it past September 1st, I feel like I can officially start shopping for my 2024 planner. I love, love, love the Happy Planner line. There are a ton of styles to choose from. I’ve tried a few and definitely prefer the vertical layout as opposed to any of the others. It’s got three spaces per day and you can use them for morning, afternoon, evening, or any other way you like to divvy up your day. I use one space for home appointments/tasks, one space to keep track of my word count for the day, and one space to track business/bookish to-dos.
You can check out several different Happy Planners on Amazon or also find them at your local Michaels, JoAnns, or even Walmart.
Do you use a planner? If so, what kind?
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